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Celebrating Fruits Day at School: A Juicy Affair!

Celebrating Fruits Day at School: A Juicy Affair!

Stepping into the school courtyard, it was immediately evident that today wasn’t a typical day. Vibrant hues of reds, yellows, oranges, and greens painted the scene as we celebrated Fruits Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the importance and deliciousness of fruits.

A Healthy Start

The morning began with an enlightening assembly presentation, where teachers highlighted the nutritional values of different fruits. They emphasized how fruits, being rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, play a pivotal role in a child’s growth and overall health. This wasn’t just another lecture. Through skits and songs, the essence of healthy eating was made fun and engaging.

Fruitful Classrooms

Post the assembly, each classroom had its own set of activities. From “name the fruit” quizzes to fruit art using colored paper, creativity was at its peak. Some students shared interesting fruit facts, while others shared their personal stories and memories tied to their favorite fruits.

Taste Test & Fun Games

The highlight for many was the taste-testing booth, where students got to sample fruits from around the world. Exotic fruits like dragon fruit, passion fruit, and rambutan were the stars, allowing many to taste them for the very first time. Teachers also organized games like “Fruit Salad Relay” and “Pin the Seed on the Fruit”. The laughter and joy echoing around the school were truly contagious!

DIY Fruit Salad Stall

The DIY fruit salad stall was a brilliant initiative, encouraging students to make their own fruit salad bowls. Armed with bowls and spoons, kids excitedly moved from one table to the next, adding slices of apples, chunks of pineapples, berries, and sprinkles of pomegranate. Watching them thoughtfully choose their mix was delightful, and it reinforced the idea that healthy eating can be fun and customizable.

A Sustainable Message

Amidst the fun and games, there was an underlying message of sustainability. Students were taught the importance of not wasting food, especially fruits, and were shown how to compost fruit waste. They were also educated about the benefits of consuming locally sourced fruits as it reduces the carbon footprint.

A Day to Remember

As the day came to a close, students left with bags of fruits, big smiles, and even bigger lessons. Fruits Day wasn’t just a day of fun; it was a day that instilled the importance of incorporating fruits into our daily diet and understanding their broader significance in our ecosystem. It’s days like these that remind us that learning can be flavorful, fun, and fruitful! 🍎🍊🍇🍉🍌🥭🍍🍓🫐🍒🥝

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